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Personal Training Tips

heck out Soul Active’s personal training tips and fitness training tips from expert personal trainers in West London.

Top 5 Beginner’s Running Tips

Running, running, running. Love it or hate it, everywhere you go these days, anytime of day, be it in the city or the middle of a desert, you can pretty much guarantee there’ll be some huffing, puffing, pain faced Paula Radcliffe wannabe rumbling on by, trying to fast track their way to some type of fitness utopia.

We’re all doing it aren’t we. Whether we’re simply trying to lose weight or looking to challenge ourselves in one of the seemingly endless organised events taking place throughout the year, it appears that running, the oldest and purest form of exercise, is looking stronger than ever and still the first port of call of fitness seekers young and old everywhere.

Now there’s no doubt that running is good for our health; the benefits are endless. Almost everyone can do it, trained or not. It enables us to raise our heart rates higher, and more significantly, keep them there longer than any other forms of exercise, which of course helps both in regards to weight loss and fitness, with the added bonus of it being completely free, as let’s face it, who’s not up for a bit of free anything.

So, for all it’s good points, and easy accessibility, how come the streets are awash with unfulfilled promises, grimaced expressions and what sometimes appears to be a higher casualty rate than both the first and second world wars put together?

Well, as simple and natural a form of exercise as running is, there are a few key basic errors that every new runner has made at some point in their lifetime resulting in either stagnated progression, reduced motivation, or at worse, one of the typical injuries signifying and end to any form of training in the short term. This is why it’s important to follow personal training tips from the experts.

There are a few simple rules that if followed will see even the most unlikely of athletic types through their first months of training and out the other side, fitter, faster, stronger and feeling all of the great benefits, both mental and physical, that running gives millions of people worldwide.

Fitness Training Tips - Top 5 Tips

1. Set goals

Why are you running, what are you doing it for? Like many things in life, every journey needs a destination or you’re just going to be lumbering around aimlessly not sure of where you’re going, when you’re going to get there and most importantly, why you’re doing what your doing. Sign yourself up for an event, it doesn’t have to be a marathon, it can be a 5k, adventure race, pretty much anything that will provide you with a reasonable challenge to work towards, close enough that it stays significant in your mind, whilst far away enough that you have time to train for it. Whatever your reason for trying running, even simple weight loss, you’ll be surprised how the thought of a 5k run with your mates in a months time will motivate you to get out of bed and hit the streets on the weekend as opposed to just running for the sake of it.

2. Slowly, Slowly

This is the killer; this is where 90% of new runners from their late 20’s upwards go wrong. It is recommended that in terms of mileage you add on no more than 10% a week, and whilst we all know that you’ve got to work hard to get fit, you also need to train smart to stay healthy. Anyone who’s ever been laid off with dodgy knees, shins or heels, will tell you don’t always need to put in that extra 10 minutes as your body needs time to adapt to these new stresses, so take it easy, look at the bigger picture, and if you leave the session with a little bit more in the tank, no problem, you’ll still have plenty more chances to get rid of it

3. Vary your workouts

Believe it or not, the best way to improve your 5k best is not to run 5k each day, and in fact whilst that may well work in the short term, in the long term you’ll find yourself stuck in a rut, low on motivation and wondering why all this effort your putting in isn’t giving you results. Now whilst we don’t need to get too scientific in the first few weeks and it’s good to build up a base level, if you find yourself starting to plateau, vary the sessions a little bit. Why not slow it down a little bit but try to run a little further, or break the distance in to segments and try a run a little bit quicker. Bear in mind point 2, don’t over extend yourself, but do make it interesting, challenge your body a little bit and have fun with your running because at the end of the day, ‘if it’s not fun, it’s just not going to get done’

4. Flexibility

Remember that little bit we had left in the tank in point two? Well now’s the time to use it. Stretching should take up at least 25% of the workout, so take it seriously and remember, always save a decent amount of time at the end to stretch after the workout. Whilst we all know it’s key to injury prevention and recovery, it’s also key to increasing speed, so if you want to run quicker, stop that workout sooner and make sure you’re giving your muscles a good 15 minutes of flexibility time.

5. Enjoy it!

The most important thing! Will power is great, but that’s only going to take you so far, so you’ve got to enjoy it. At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter how fast you go, or what races you’ve done, or whether you’ve got all the latest gear or not, the most important thing is that you have fun, appreciate it for what it is and build a positive connection with a fun, natural activity which if done correctly, will stay with you forever.