Putney PT


Our friendly, personal approach together with expert knowledge and results training techniques means we have built up a portfolio of happy clients over the years. But don’t just take our word for it, take time to check out what our customer say about Soul Active.

Featured testimonials

Tomasz B, 33.

“I work in Canary Warf. In my mid thirties. Slightly overweight mainly due to my love for late dinners and a glass of wine. I started training with Duncan approximately 8 months back. Love for dinners is what we are yet working on but one thing to share with all you visiting this website is – my physical and mental condition has since much improved. I am capable of running 10k in one hour which I could not have dreamt of before – have lost ca. 5kgs since we started. As far as training is concerned, Duncan makes you do things which you (I) would have never forced yourself to do. You get to know the limits of your endurance – the pleasure is to see them shift. I highly recommend for anyone to work with him and see yourself improve. He makes it an unforgettable experience too.”

Natasha P, 35

“For a while now I have been trying to loose weight and tone up without much success. I have tried different gym workouts, changing my diet and also had various personal trainers. This year, I thought I have to shift the weight before my next holiday.

I spoke to my friend and she had told me about how she trained outdoors. I thought this sounded good and something I have not tried. I contacted the company she joined and was introduced to Duncan as my PT.
Duncan is a very patient and motivational guy. Even though the sessions are tough and sometimes I do think the last thing I want to do is go and train in the park when it is raining, I have to admit I love it. ”


“Outside in the park. Pay as much as you can afford once a month. Nice guys, look the part,know their stuff and really take time to help you out. What’s not to like? Soul Active all the way.”

Other testimonials

Davey M, 36:
Soul Active encouraged me to come out of my shell and embrace the challenging and rewarding world of personal fitness and training. With his help and knowledge and my sheer determination, he helped me sculpt the body beautiful that I am now from a chunky 16.7st to a lean mean 15st ! Through weekly sessions of kettlebells, jogging, circuits and weight training, Soul Active helped me achieve my goals. A thoroughly good professional in his field, he also offered nutritional and dietary advice, and is always there to motivate and encourage you.

Tania C:
A wedding can be a wonderful motivation to sign up for a personal trainer . . . but two years later, I still found myself dragging myself out of bed at some unearthly hour for 45 minutes with Duncan. For me, it was the balance of his motivation and discipline. His knowledge and professionalism enable him to suggest the best training programme for whatever your goals may be, and you always feel motivated to keep going. Don’t expect him to let you off easily, but do expect to have a few laughs along the way!

Sarah H, 33:
I’ve trained with Duncan for 2 years now and I love every minute of it (well almost every minute). I lost 5kg in weight in the first 6 months and now I’m training for a 10km run early next year.

I always thought exercise was boring before, and it just wasn’t meant for me, but he’s definitely showed me that I can behave like a healthy person and helped make the hard times fun meaning I never miss a session and have pretty much achieved all the goals I wanted to achieve when I signed up 2 years ago.