Putney PT


Personal Training in London

If you are looking at getting fit and need structure, results, variety and motivation then a one-on-one personal training session may be the answer for you. Soul Active provide personal training in London with a mobile team of expert personal trainers.

We start with an initial consultation to assess your current state of health and define your fitness goals – lose weight, improve posture or simply get fitter. This gives you an agreed starting point, and also a benchmark against which to measure your progress. The personal training in London programme delivered by Soul Active will be changed regularly, not only for variety, but also to allow for continued progression. Variety is the spice of life!

The programme can be flexible to fit around your schedule and we also offer one-to-one coaching or sessions with partners or friends that helps our clients with affordability and interest. Our realistic programmes are designed to deliver maximum results in the minimum of time.

Our exercise routines are endless from circuit training to pilates to boxing and can be conducted at work, home, residential gym or in the park. We will combine Aerobic (CV), resistance (weights) and flexibility to give you the workout that suits you best.

For personal training in London contact Soul Active today and book your initial consultation.